Friendship with God

Psalm 25.14 declares friendship with God is reserved for those who reverence Him.images

How well do we know God? Is He our best friend, our Father with Whom we share our deepest thoughts and receive His comfort? Is there any person to whom we are closer than we are to God? Is God really our friend?

We struggle with the distance we feel with God. We don’t understand why He seems so far away so much of the time. Yet as we remember our closest friends during our childhood and college days who are now little more than fond memories what has changed?

Our distance is what keeps us from intimacy with others and from continuously growing relationships.

While God is everywhere we distance ourselves from Him when we fail to seek Him and when we fail to serve Him.

While God has given us everything we need to know Him intimately through the written record of Himself we commonly call the Bible, and the presence of God is always in the world through Whom we call the Holy Spirit, few are those who make Bible reading and study along with prayer a daily habit.

This reality compounds our distance because by not knowing Who God really is and what He truly requires we live lives in constant disobedience to His character and His commands thus widening the gap we feel with Him.

We believe we are good but we are ignorant of Him Who really is Good and the ways He defines as good which results in the little of His goodness we regularly experience.

God is friends with those who make Him their first priority and first pursuit.

Those who spend time with God then live to honor God in the world find God to be that powerful Friend Whose love and presence fills them with the deepest possible joy.

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